Rob Stevens
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Cited by
Effects of temperature and disorder on thermal boundary conductance at solid–solid interfaces: Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations
RJ Stevens, LV Zhigilei, PM Norris
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 50 (19-20), 3977-3989, 2007
Measurement of thermal boundary conductance of a series of metal-dielectric interfaces by the transient thermoreflectance technique
RJ Stevens, AN Smith, PM Norris
J. Heat Transfer 127 (3), 315-322, 2005
Femtosecond pump–probe nondestructive examination of materials
PM Norris, AP Caffrey, RJ Stevens, JM Klopf, JT McLeskey, AN Smith
Review of scientific instruments 74 (1), 400-406, 2003
Influence of inelastic scattering at metal-dielectric interfaces
PE Hopkins, PM Norris, RJ Stevens
Influence of interfacial mixing on thermal boundary conductance across a chromium/silicon interface
PE Hopkins, PM Norris, RJ Stevens, TE Beechem, S Graham
Experimental characterization of thermoelectric modules and comparison with theoretical models for power generation
E Sandoz-Rosado, RJ Stevens
Journal of electronic materials 38, 1239-1244, 2009
On the Thomson effect in thermoelectric power devices
EJ Sandoz-Rosado, SJ Weinstein, RJ Stevens
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 66, 1-7, 2013
Theoretical limits of thermoelectric power generation from exhaust gases
RJ Stevens, SJ Weinstein, KS Koppula
Applied Energy 133, 80-88, 2014
Temperature-Dependent Thermal Boundary Conductance at Al/Al2O3 and Pt/Al2O3 interfaces
PE Hopkins, RN Salaway, RJ Stevens, PM Norris
International Journal of Thermophysics 28, 947-957, 2007
Signal analysis and characterization of experimental setup for the transient thermoreflectance technique
RJ Stevens, AN Smith, PM Norris
Review of Scientific Instruments 77 (8), 2006
Robust finite element model for the design of thermoelectric modules
E Sandoz-Rosado, R Stevens
Journal of electronic materials 39, 1848-1855, 2010
Flipping Core Courses in the Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Curriculum: Heat Transfer.
MG Schrlau, RJ Stevens, S Schley
Advances in Engineering Education 5 (3), n3, 2016
Molecular dynamics study of thermal boundary resistance: evidence of strong inelastic scattering transport channels
RJ Stevens, PM Norris, LV Zhigilei
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 47071, 37-46, 2004
Experimental comparison of thermoelectric module characterization methods
RD Pierce, RJ Stevens
Journal of Electronic Materials 44, 1796-1802, 2015
Phonon contribution to thermal boundary conductance at metal interfaces using embedded atom method simulations
RN Salaway, PE Hopkins, PM Norris, RJ Stevens
International Journal of Thermophysics 29, 1987-1996, 2008
An investigation of a solar pasteurizer with an integral heat exchanger (SPIHX)
RJ Stevens, R Johnson, H Eckerlin
Proceedings of the 1998 Annual Conference of the American Solar Energy …, 1998
Measuring thermal substrate resistance and impact on the characterization of thermoelectric modules
RD Pierce, RJ Stevens
Measurement 111, 173-182, 2017
Characterizing high temperature thermoelectric modules
SB Mahajan, RD Pierce, RJ Stevens
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 56284 …, 2013
Prototype and model of passive tropical fruit dryer utilizing a flexible transpired solar collector
S Huselstein, SJ Weinstein, RJ Stevens
2016 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), 815-816, 2016
Dependence of thermal boundary conductance on interfacial mixing at the chromium-silicon interface
PE Hopkins, RN Salaway, RJ Stevens, PM Norris
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 47845, 215-224, 2006
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Articles 1–20