Peter Spijker
Peter Spijker
Head of Strategic Support, Institutes Organisation, Dutch Research Council (NWO)
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Atomically controlled substitutional boron-doping of graphene nanoribbons
S Kawai, S Saito, S Osumi, S Yamaguchi, AS Foster, P Spijker, E Meyer
Nature Communications 6 (1), 8098, 2015
Water-induced correlation between single ions imaged at the solid–liquid interface
M Ricci, P Spijker, K Voïtchovsky
Nature communications 5 (1), 4400, 2014
Direct visualization of single ions in the stern layer of calcite
M Ricci, P Spijker, F Stellacci, JF Molinari, K Voïtchovsky
Langmuir 29 (7), 2207-2216, 2013
Mechanism of atomic force microscopy imaging of three-dimensional hydration structures at a solid-liquid interface
T Fukuma, B Reischl, N Kobayashi, P Spijker, FF Canova, K Miyazawa, ...
Physical Review B 92 (15), 155412, 2015
The bilayer-vesicle transition is entropy driven
AJ Markvoort, K Pieterse, MN Steijaert, P Spijker, PAJ Hilbers
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (47), 22649-22654, 2005
Direct quantitative measurement of the C═ O⋅⋅⋅ H–C bond by atomic force microscopy
S Kawai, T Nishiuchi, T Kodama, P Spijker, R Pawlak, T Meier, J Tracey, ...
Science Advances 3 (5), e1603258, 2017
Computation of accommodation coefficients and the use of velocity correlation profiles in molecular dynamics simulations
P Spijker, AJ Markvoort, SV Nedea, PAJ Hilbers
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 81 (1 …, 2010
Thermal control of sequential on-surface transformation of a hydrocarbon molecule on a copper surface
S Kawai, V Haapasilta, BD Lindner, K Tahara, P Spijker, JA Buitendijk, ...
Nature Communications 7 (1), 12711, 2016
Atomic-resolution three-dimensional hydration structures on a heterogeneously charged surface
K Umeda, L Zivanovic, K Kobayashi, J Ritala, H Kominami, P Spijker, ...
Nature Communications 8 (1), 2111, 2017
Relations between roughness, temperature and dry sliding friction at the atomic scale
P Spijker, G Anciaux, JF Molinari
Tribology International 59, 222-229, 2013
Dissolution Processes at Step Edges of Calcite in Water Investigated by High-Speed Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy and Simulation
K Miyata, J Tracey, K Miyazawa, V Haapasilta, P Spijker, Y Kawagoe, ...
Nano Letters 17 (7), 4083-4089, 2017
Competing Annulene and Radialene Structures in a Single Anti-Aromatic Molecule Studied by High-Resolution Atomic Force Microscopy
S Kawai, K Takahashi, S Ito, R Pawlak, T Meier, P Spijker, FF Canova, ...
ACS nano 11 (8), 8122-8130, 2017
Dry sliding contact between rough surfaces at the atomistic scale
P Spijker, G Anciaux, JF Molinari
Tribology Letters 44, 279-285, 2011
On the propagation of slip fronts at frictional interfaces
DS Kammer, VA Yastrebov, P Spijker, JF Molinari
Tribology Letters 48, 27-32, 2012
Chemical Identification at the Solid-Liquid Interface
H Söngen, C Marutschke, P Spijker, E Holmgren, I Hermes, R Bechstein, ...
Langmuir 33 (1), 125-129, 2017
Dynamic behavior of fully solvated β2-adrenergic receptor, embedded in the membrane with bound agonist or antagonist
P Spijker, N Vaidehi, PL Freddolino, PAJ Hilbers, WA Goddard III
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (13), 4882-4887, 2006
The effect of loading on surface roughness at the atomistic level
P Spijker, G Anciaux, JF Molinari
Computational Mechanics 50, 273-283, 2012
Vesicle deformation by draining: geometrical and topological shape changes
AJ Markvoort, P Spijker, AF Smeijers, K Pieterse, RA van Santen, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (25), 8731-8737, 2009
Visualising the molecular alteration of the calcite (104)–water interface by sodium nitrate
S Hofmann, K Voïtchovsky, P Spijker, M Schmidt, T Stumpf
Scientific reports 6 (1), 21576, 2016
Understanding the interface of liquids with an organic crystal surface from atomistic simulations and AFM experiments
P Spijker, T Hiasa, T Musso, R Nishioka, H Onishi, AS Foster
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (4), 2058-2066, 2014
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Articles 1–20