Paul Denys
Paul Denys
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Cited by
Complex multifault rupture during the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake, New Zealand
IJ Hamling, S Hreinsdóttir, K Clark, J Elliott, C Liang, E Fielding, ...
Science 356 (6334), eaam7194, 2017
Balancing the plate motion budget in the South Island, New Zealand using GPS, geological and seismological data
LM Wallace, J Beavan, R McCaffrey, K Berryman, P Denys
Geophysical Journal International 168 (1), 332-352, 2007
The Mw 6.2 Christchurch earthquake of February 2011: preliminary report
A Kaiser, C Holden, J Beavan, D Beetham, R Benites, A Celentano, ...
New Zealand journal of geology and geophysics 55 (1), 67-90, 2012
Crustal strain in central Greece from repeated GPS measurements in the interval 1989–1997
PJ Clarke, RR Davies, PC England, B Parsons, H Billiris, D Paradissis, ...
Geophysical Journal International 135 (1), 195-214, 1998
Lightweight GPS-tags, one giant leap for wildlife tracking? An assessment approach
MR Recio, R Mathieu, P Denys, P Sirguey, PJ Seddon
PloS one 6 (12), e28225, 2011
Triggered slow slip and afterslip on the southern Hikurangi subduction zone following the Kaikōura earthquake
LM Wallace, S Hreinsdóttir, S Ellis, I Hamling, E D'Anastasio, P Denys
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (10), 4710-4718, 2018
Geodetic estimate of seismic hazard in the Gulf of Korinthos
PJ Clarke, RR Davies, PC England, BE Parsons, H Billiris, D Paradissis, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 24 (11), 1303-1306, 1997
Distribution of present‐day vertical deformation across the Southern Alps, New Zealand, from 10 years of GPS data
J Beavan, P Denys, M Denham, B Hager, T Herring, P Molnar
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (16), 2010
New Zealand GPS velocity field: 1995–2013
J Beavan, LM Wallace, N Palmer, P Denys, S Ellis, N Fournier, ...
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 59 (1), 5-14, 2016
Changes in hot spring temperature and hydrogeology of the Alpine Fault hanging wall, New Zealand, induced by distal South Island earthquakes
SC Cox, CD Menzies, R Sutherland, PH Denys, C Chamberlain, ...
Crustal Permeability, 228-248, 2012
Kinematic constraints from GPS on oblique convergence of the Pacific and Australian plates, central South Island, New Zealand
J Beavan, S Ellis, L Wallace, P Denys
Geophysical Monograph Series 175, 75-94, 2007
Oblique slip on the Puysegur subduction interface in the 2009 July MW 7.8 Dusky Sound earthquake from GPS and InSAR observations: implications for the …
J Beavan, S Samsonov, P Denys, R Sutherland, N Palmer, M Denham
Geophysical Journal International 183 (3), 1265-1286, 2010
A vertical deformation profile across the Southern Alps, New Zealand, from 3.5 years of continuous GPS data
J Beavan, D Matheson, P Denys, M Denham, T Herring, B Hager, ...
Proceedings of the Cahiers du Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de …, 2004
Evaluating deep subsidence in a rapidly-accreting mangrove forest using GPS monitoring of surface-elevation benchmarks and sedimentary records
A Swales, P Denys, VI Pickett, CE Lovelock
Marine Geology 380, 205-218, 2016
Sea level rise in New Zealand: The effect of vertical land motion on century‐long tide gauge records in a tectonically active region
PH Denys, RJ Beavan, J Hannah, CF Pearson, N Palmer, M Denham, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (1), e2019JB018055, 2020
New insights on the relative contributions of coastal processes and tectonics to shore platform development following the Kaikōura earthquake
WJ Stephenson, ME Dickson, PH Denys
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 42 (13), 2214-2220, 2017
Present-day kinematics of the Sundaland plate
CZ Yong, PH Denys, CF Pearson
Journal of Applied Geodesy 11 (3), 169-177, 2017
Geodetic constraints on the kinematics of the Alpine fault in the southern South Island of New Zealand, using results from the Hawea‐Haast GPS transect
C Pearson, P Denys, K Hodgkinson
Geophysical Research Letters 27 (9), 1319-1322, 2000
New Zealand 20th century sea level rise: Resolving the vertical land motion using space geodetic and geological data
A Fadil, P Denys, R Tenzer, HR Grenfell, P Willis
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118 (11), 6076-6091, 2013
Water level measurement and tidal datum transfer using high rate GPS buoys
A Marshall, P Denys
New Zealand Surveyor 299, 24, 2009
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Articles 1–20