Ingo Loa
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Polarized Raman spectroscopy on isolated single-wall carbon nanotubes
GS Duesberg, I Loa, M Burghard, K Syassen, S Roth
Physical review letters 85 (25), 5436, 2000
Pressure-Induced Quenching of the Jahn-Teller Distortion and Insulator-to-Metal Transition in
I Loa, P Adler, A Grzechnik, K Syassen, U Schwarz, M Hanfland, ...
Physical review letters 87 (12), 125501, 2001
Resonances of split-ring resonator metamaterials in the near infrared
C Rockstuhl, T Zentgraf, H Guo, N Liu, C Etrich, I Loa, K Syassen, J Kuhl, ...
Applied Physics B 84, 219-227, 2006
Sodium under pressure: bcc to fcc structural transition and pressure-volume relation to 100 GPa
M Hanfland, I Loa, K Syassen
Physical Review B 65 (18), 184109, 2002
Structural properties of the zircon- and scheelite-type phases of at high pressure
X Wang, I Loa, K Syassen, M Hanfland, B Ferrand
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (6), 064109, 2004
Equation of state and phonon frequency calculations of diamond at high pressures
K Kunc, I Loa, K Syassen
Physical Review B 68 (9), 094107, 2003
Effect of pressure on the Raman modes of antimony
X Wang, K Kunc, I Loa, U Schwarz, K Syassen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (13), 134305, 2006
High Pressure Studies of the Raman‐Active Phonons in Carbon Nanotubes
UD Venkateswaran, EA Brandsen, U Schlecht, AM Rao, E Richter, I Loa, ...
physica status solidi (b) 223 (1), 225-236, 2001
Raman spectroscopy on single-and multi-walled nanotubes under high pressure
C Thomsen, S Reich, H Jantoljak, I Loa, K Syassen, M Burghard, ...
Applied Physics A 69, 309-312, 1999
Rubidium-IV: A high pressure phase with complex crystal structure
U Schwarz, A Grzechnik, K Syassen, I Loa, M Hanfland
Physical review letters 83 (20), 4085, 1999
Calculated elastic and electronic properties of MgB2 at high pressures
I Loa, K Syassen
Solid state communications 118 (6), 279-282, 2001
Raman spectroscopy on carbon nanotubes at high pressure
I Loa
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 34 (7‐8), 611-627, 2003
MgB2 under pressure: phonon calculations, Raman spectroscopy, and optical reflectance
K Kunc, I Loa, K Syassen, RK Kremer, K Ahn
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 13 (44), 9945, 2001
Reversible phase transitions in Na2S under pressure: a comparison with the cation array in Na2SO4
A Vegas, A Grzechnik, K Syassen, I Loa, M Hanfland, M Jansen
Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science 57 (2), 151-156, 2001
Crystal structure and lattice dynamics of under pressure and implications for
I Loa, K Kunc, K Syassen, P Bouvier
Physical Review B 66 (13), 134101, 2002
Reversible antifluorite to anticotunnite phase transition in Li2S at high pressures
A Grzechnik, A Vegas, K Syassen, I Loa, M Hanfland, M Jansen
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 154 (2), 603-611, 2000
Equation of state of lithium to 21 GPa
M Hanfland, I Loa, K Syassen, U Schwarz, K Takemura
Solid state communications 112 (3), 123-127, 1999
Structure of sodium above 100 GPa by single-crystal x-ray diffraction
MI McMahon, E Gregoryanz, LF Lundegaard, I Loa, C Guillaume, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (44), 17297-17299, 2007
Structural changes in thermoelectric SnSe at high pressures
I Loa, RJ Husband, RA Downie, SR Popuri, JWG Bos
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 27, 072202, 2015
Quantum and isotope effects in lithium metal
GJ Ackland, M Dunuwille, M Martinez-Canales, I Loa, R Zhang, ...
Science 356 (6344), 1254-1259, 2017
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Articles 1–20