Revaz Ramazashvili
Revaz Ramazashvili
research scientist at the Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, Toulouse
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How do Fermiliquids get heavy and die?
P Coleman, C Pépin, Q Si, R Ramazashvili
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 13 (35), R723, 2001
Onset of antiferromagnetism in heavy-fermion metals
A Schröder, G Aeppli, R Coldea, M Adams, O Stockert, H Löhneysen, ...
Nature 407 (6802), 351-355, 2000
Scaling of magnetic fluctuations near a quantum phase transition
A Schröder, G Aeppli, E Bucher, R Ramazashvili, P Coleman
Physical review letters 80 (25), 5623, 1998
Superconducting quantum critical point
R Ramazashvili, P COleman
Physical review letters 79 (19), 3752, 1997
Kramers degeneracy in a magnetic field and Zeeman spin-orbit coupling in antiferromagnetic conductors
R Ramazashvili
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (18), 184432, 2009
Hall effect in nested antiferromagnets near the quantum critical point
MR Norman, Q Si, YB Bazaliy, R Ramazashvili
Physical review letters 90 (11), 116601, 2003
Quantum oscillations in antiferromagnetic conductors with small carrier pockets
R Ramazashvili
Physical review letters 105 (21), 216404, 2010
Magnetotransport near a quantum critical point in a simple metal
YB Bazaliy, R Ramazashvili, Q Si, MR Norman
Physical Review B 69 (14), 144423, 2004
Quantum lifshitz point
R Ramazashvili
Physical Review B 60 (10), 7314, 1999
Broken Particle-Hole Symmetry at Atomically Flat -Axis Interfaces
BA Davidson, R Ramazashvili, S Kos, JN Eckstein
Physical review letters 93 (10), 107004, 2004
Experimental evidence for Zeeman spin–orbit coupling in layered antiferromagnetic conductors
R Ramazashvili, PD Grigoriev, T Helm, F Kollmannsberger, M Kunz, ...
npj Quantum Materials 6 (1), 11, 2021
Magnetic quantum oscillations in the charge-density-wave state of the organic metals α-(BEDT-TTF) 2MHg (SCN) 4 with M= K and Tl
MV Kartsovnik, VN Zverev, D Andres, W Biberacher, T Helm, PD Grigoriev, ...
Low Temperature Physics 40 (4), 377-383, 2014
Electric excitation of spin resonance in antiferromagnetic conductors
R Ramazashvili
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (5), 054405, 2009
Anomalous behavior at a superconducting quantum critical point
R Ramazashvili
Physical Review B 56 (9), 5518, 1997
Identifying Two-Dimensional Z2 Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulators
F Bègue, P Pujol, R Ramazashvili
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 126, 90-105, 2018
Ward identities for disordered metals and superconductors
R Ramazashvili
Physical Review B 66 (22), 220503, 2002
Z2 antiferromagnetic topological insulators with broken C4 symmetry
F Bègue, P Pujol, R Ramazashvili
Physics Letters A 381 (14), 1268-1271, 2017
Quantum critical fluctuations in heavy fermion compounds
A Schroeder, G Aeppli, P Coleman, R Ramazashvili, R Coldea, M Adams, ...
International Journal of Modern Physics B 16 (20n22), 3031-3036, 2002
Texture-induced spin-orbit coupling and skyrmion-electron bound states in a Néel antiferromagnet
N Davier, R Ramazashvili
Physical Review B 107 (1), 014406, 2023
Scaling approach to itinerant quantum critical points
C Pépin, J Rech, R Ramazashvili
Physical Review B 69 (17), 172401, 2004
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