David R. Bowling
David R. Bowling
Professor of Biology, University of Utah
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Cited by
Using chlorophyll fluorescence to assess the fraction of absorbed light allocated to thermal dissipation of excess excitation
B Demmig‐Adams, WW Adams III, DH Barker, BA Logan, DR Bowling, ...
Physiologia Plantarum 98 (2), 253-264, 1996
The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data
G Pastorello, C Trotta, E Canfora, H Chu, D Christianson, YW Cheah, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 225, 2020
The application and interpretation of Keeling plots in terrestrial carbon cycle research
DE Pataki, JR Ehleringer, LB Flanagan, D Yakir, DR Bowling, CJ Still, ...
Global biogeochemical cycles 17 (1), 2003
Carbon isotopes in terrestrial ecosystem pools and CO2 fluxes
DR Bowling, DE Pataki, JT Randerson
New Phytologist 178 (1), 24-40, 2008
Hydraulic diversity of forests regulates ecosystem resilience during drought
WRL Anderegg, AG Konings, AT Trugman, K Yu, DR Bowling, R Gabbitas, ...
Nature 561 (7724), 538-541, 2018
13C content of ecosystem respiration is linked to precipitation and vapor pressure deficit
DR Bowling, NG McDowell, BJ Bond, BE Law, JR Ehleringer
Oecologia 131, 113-124, 2002
Long‐term changes in dissolved oxygen concentrations in the ocean caused by protracted global warming
RJ Matear, AC Hirst
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 17 (4), 2003
Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy for stable isotope studies of ecosystem–atmosphere CO2 exchange
DR Bowling, SD Sargent, BD Tanner, JR Ehleringer
Agricultural and forest meteorology 118 (1-2), 1-19, 2003
Mechanistic evidence for tracking the seasonality of photosynthesis with solar-induced fluorescence
TS Magney, DR Bowling, BA Logan, K Grossmann, J Stutz, PD Blanken, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (24), 11640-11645, 2019
Partitioning net ecosystem carbon exchange with isotopic fluxes of CO2
DR Bowling, PP Tans, RK Monson
Global Change Biology 7 (2), 127-145, 2001
Seasonal cycle of carbon dioxide and its isotopic composition in an urban atmosphere: Anthropogenic and biogenic effects
DE Pataki, DR Bowling, JR Ehleringer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D23), 2003
CO2 exchange and evapotranspiration across dryland ecosystems of southwestern North America
JA Biederman, RL Scott, TW Bell, DR Bowling, S Dore, J Garatuza‐Payan, ...
Global Change Biology 23 (10), 4204-4221, 2017
Long-term urban carbon dioxide observations reveal spatial and temporal dynamics related to urban characteristics and growth
LE Mitchell, JC Lin, DR Bowling, DE Pataki, C Strong, AJ Schauer, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (12), 2912-2917, 2018
Sensitivity analysis and quantification of uncertainty for isotopic mixing relationships in carbon cycle research
JM Zobitz, JP Keener, H Schnyder, DR Bowling
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 136 (1-2), 56-75, 2006
Spatial variability of turbulent fluxes in the roughness sublayer of an even-aged pine forest
G Katul, CI Hsieh, D Bowling, K Clark, N Shurpali, A Turnipseed, ...
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 93, 1-28, 1999
Sensitivity of the Colorado Plateau to change: climate, ecosystems, and society
S Schwinning, J Belnap, DR Bowling, JR Ehleringer
Ecology and Society 13 (2), 2008
The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data, Sci. Data, 7, 225
G Pastorello, C Trotta, E Canfora, H Chu, D Christianson, YW Cheah, ...
Revisiting streamside trees that do not use stream water: can the two water worlds hypothesis and snowpack isotopic effects explain a missing water source?
DR Bowling, ES Schulze, SJ Hall
Ecohydrology 10 (1), e1771, 2017
The use of relaxed eddy accumulation to measure biosphere-atmosphere exchange of isoprene and other biological trace gases
DR Bowling, AA Turnipseed, AC Delany, DD Baldocchi, JP Greenberg, ...
Oecologia 116, 306-315, 1998
Kinetics of leaf temperature fluctuation affect isoprene emission from red oak (Quercus rubra) leaves
EL Singsaas, MM Laporte, JZ Shi, RK Monson, DR Bowling, K Johnson, ...
Tree Physiology 19 (14), 917-924, 1999
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Articles 1–20