Gianluca Iaccarino
Gianluca Iaccarino
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Immersed boundary methods
H Bandringa
Faculty of Science and Engineering, 2010
Turbulence modeling in the age of data
K Duraisamy, G Iaccarino, H Xiao
Annual review of fluid mechanics 51 (1), 357-377, 2019
Near-wall behavior of RANS turbulence models and implications for wall functions
G Kalitzin, G Medic, G Iaccarino, P Durbin
Journal of Computational Physics 204 (1), 265-291, 2005
Numerical simulation of the flow around a circular cylinder at high Reynolds numbers
P Catalano, M Wang, G Iaccarino, P Moin
International journal of heat and fluid flow 24 (4), 463-469, 2003
Immersed boundary technique for turbulent flow simulations
G Iaccarino, R Verzicco
Appl. Mech. Rev. 56 (3), 331-347, 2003
Reynolds averaged simulation of unsteady separated flow
G Iaccarino, A Ooi, PA Durbin, M Behnia
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 24 (2), 147-156, 2003
Predictions of a turbulent separated flow using commercial CFD codes
G Iaccarino
J. Fluids Eng. 123 (4), 819-828, 2001
Energy conservation in collocated discretization schemes on unstructured meshes
F Ham, G Iaccarino
Annual Research Briefs 2004 (3-14), 118, 2004
RANS solvers with adaptive structured boundary non-conforming grids
S Majumdar, G Iaccarino, P Durbin
Annual Research Briefs 1, 179, 2001
An immersed boundary method for compressible flows using local grid refinement
MD de Tullio, P De Palma, G Iaccarino, G Pascazio, M Napolitano
Journal of Computational Physics 225 (2), 2098-2117, 2007
Modeling of structural uncertainties in Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes closures
M Emory, J Larsson, G Iaccarino
Physics of Fluids 25 (11), 2013
Large-eddy simulation of reacting turbulent flows in complex geometries
K Mahesh, G Constantinescu, S Apte, G Iaccarino, F Ham, P Moin
Experimental and computational study of unsteady wake flow behind a bluff body with a drag reduction device
B Khalighi, S Zhang, C Koromilas, SR Balkanyi, LP Bernal, G Iaccarino, ...
SAE transactions, 1209-1222, 2001
Reynolds averaged simulation of flow and heat transfer in ribbed ducts
A Ooi, G Iaccarino, PA Durbin, M Behnia
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 23 (6), 750-757, 2002
Exploiting active subspaces to quantify uncertainty in the numerical simulation of the HyShot II scramjet
PG Constantine, M Emory, J Larsson, G Iaccarino
Journal of Computational Physics 302, 1-20, 2015
A least-squares approximation of partial differential equations with high-dimensional random inputs
A Doostan, G Iaccarino
Journal of computational physics 228 (12), 4332-4345, 2009
Accurate and stable finite volume operators for unstructured flow solvers
F Ham, K Mattsson, G Iaccarino
Annual Research Briefs 243, 2006
Minimal repetition dynamic checkpointing algorithm for unsteady adjoint calculation
Q Wang, P Moin, G Iaccarino
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 31 (4), 2549-2567, 2009
Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes simulations of the HyShot II scramjet
R Pecnik, VE Terrapon, F Ham, G Iaccarino, H Pitsch
AIAA journal 50 (8), 1717-1732, 2012
On the HLLC Riemann solver for interface interaction in compressible multi-fluid flow
XY Hu, NA Adams, G Iaccarino
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (17), 6572-6589, 2009
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