Daniel Attinger
Daniel Attinger
Struo LLC
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Cited by
Boiling heat transfer on superhydrophilic, superhydrophobic, and superbiphilic surfaces
AR Betz, J Jenkins, D Attinger
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 57 (2), 733-741, 2013
Self-assembly of colloidal particles from evaporating droplets: role of DLVO interactions and proposition of a phase diagram
R Bhardwaj, X Fang, P Somasundaran, D Attinger
Langmuir 26 (11), 7833-7842, 2010
Do surfaces with mixed hydrophilic and hydrophobic areas enhance pool boiling?
AR Betz, J Xu, H Qiu, D Attinger
Applied Physics Letters 97 (14), 2010
Surface engineering for phase change heat transfer: A review
D Attinger, C Frankiewicz, AR Betz, TM Schutzius, R Ganguly, A Das, ...
MRS Energy & Sustainability 1, E4, 2014
Pattern formation during the evaporation of a colloidal nanoliter drop: a numerical and experimental study
R Bhardwaj, X Fang, D Attinger
New Journal of Physics 11 (7), 075020, 2009
Fluid dynamics topics in bloodstain pattern analysis: Comparative review and research opportunities
D Attinger, C Moore, A Donaldson, A Jafari, HA Stone
Forensic Science International, 2013
An experimental study of molten microdroplet surface deposition and solidification: transient behavior and wetting angle dynamics
D Attinger, Z Zhao, D Poulikakos
Asme Journal of Heat Transfer 122 (3), 544-556, 2000
Drop on demand in a microfluidic chip
J Xu, D Attinger
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 18 (6), 065020, 2008
Use of a porous membrane for gas bubble removal in microfluidic channels: physical mechanisms and design criteria
J Xu, R Vaillant, D Attinger
Microfluidics and nanofluidics 9, 765-772, 2010
Can segmented flow enhance heat transfer in microchannel heat sinks?
AR Betz, D Attinger
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53 (19-20), 3683-3691, 2010
Interfacial temperature measurements, high-speed visualization and finite-element simulations of droplet impact and evaporation on a solid surface
R Bhardwaj, JP Longtin, D Attinger
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53 (19-20), 3733-3744, 2010
Texture and wettability of metallic lotus leaves
C Frankiewicz, D Attinger
Nanoscale 8 (7), 3982-3990, 2016
Source-like solution for radial imbibition into a homogeneous semi-infinite porous medium
J Xiao, HA Stone, D Attinger
Langmuir 28 (9), 4208-4212, 2012
Dropwise condensation on multiscale bioinspired metallic surfaces with nanofeatures
D Orejon, A Askounis, Y Takata, D Attinger
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (27), 24735-24750, 2019
A bubble-powered micro-rotor: conception, manufacturing, assembly and characterization
J Kao, X Wang, J Warren, J Xu, D Attinger
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 17 (12), 2454, 2007
Non-isothermal wetting during impact of millimeter-size water drop on a flat substrate: Numerical investigation and comparison with high-speed visualization experiments
R Bhardwaj, D Attinger
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 29 (5), 1422-1435, 2008
A numerical investigation on the influence of liquid properties and interfacial heat transfer during microdroplet deposition onto a glass substrate
R Bhardwaj, JP Longtin, D Attinger
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 50 (15-16), 2912-2923, 2007
Vapor chambers with hydrophobic and biphilic evaporators in moderate to high heat flux applications
MR Shaeri, D Attinger, RW Bonner III
Applied Thermal Engineering 130, 83-92, 2018
Blood rheology in shear and uniaxial elongation
A Kolbasov, PM Comiskey, RP Sahu, S Sinha-Ray, AL Yarin, BS Sikarwar, ...
Rheologica Acta 55, 901-908, 2016
Melting and resolidification of a substrate caused by molten microdroplet impact
D Attinger, D Poulikakos
J. Heat Transfer 123 (6), 1110-1122, 2001
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Articles 1–20