Susan Brown
Cited by
Cited by
The Victorian Poetess
S Brown
The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Poetry, 180-202, 2000
Published yet never done: The tension between projection and completion in digital humanities research
S Brown, P Clements, I Grundy, S Ruecker, J Antoniuk, S Balazs
Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2009
Resin: A dockerized schema-guided cross-document cross-lingual cross-media information extraction and event tracking system
H Wen, Y Lin, T Lai, X Pan, S Li, X Lin, B Zhou, M Li, H Wang, H Zhang, ...
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2021
State-specific prevalence of current cigarette smoking and smokeless tobacco use among adults—United States, 2014
KH Nguyen
MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report 65, 2016
VerbNet class assignment as a WSD task
SW Brown, D Dligach, M Palmer
Computing Meaning: Volume 4, 203-216, 2014
Determined Heroines: George Eliot, Augusta Webster, and Closet Drama by Victorian Women
S Brown
Victorian Poetry 33 (1), 89-109, 1995
Choosing sense distinctions for WSD: Psycholinguistic evidence
SW Brown
Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, Short Papers, 249-252, 2008
Polysemy in the mental lexicon
SW Brown
Colorado Research in Linguistics, 2008
Possibilities and problems of small-scale studies to unpack the findings of large-scale studies of school effectiveness
S Brown, S Riddell, J Duffield
Merging traditions, 93-120, 1996
Economical Representations: Dante Gabriel Rossetti's" Jenny," Augusta Webster's" A Castaway," and the Campaign Against the Contagious Diseases Acts
S Brown
Victorian Review 17 (1), 78-95, 1991
The rich event ontology
SW Brown, C Bonial, L Obrst, M Palmer
Proceedings of the Events and Stories in the News Workshop, 87-97, 2017
VerbNet representations: Subevent semantics for transfer verbs
SW Brown, J Bonn, J Gung, A Zaenen, J Pustejovsky, M Palmer
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Designing Meaning …, 2019
The IMAGACT visual ontology. An extendable multilingual infrastructure for the representation of lexical encoding of action
M Moneglia, SW Brown, F Frontini, G Gagliardi, F Khan, M Monachini, ...
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2014
Don't Mind the Gap: Evolving Digital Modes of Scholarly Production across the Digital-Humanities Divide
S Brown
UCSMP algebra
JW McConnell, S Brown, Z Usiskin, SL Senk, T Widerski, S Anderson, ...
Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1996
VerbNet overview, extensions, mappings and applications
KK Schuler, A Korhonen, S Brown
Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of …, 2009
Criteria for the manual grouping of verb senses
CJ Duffield, JD Hwang, SW Brown, D Dligach, S Vieweg, J Davis, ...
Proceedings of the Linguistic Annotation Workshop, 49-52, 2007
Victorian Women Poets
A Chapman
DS Brewer, 2003
" Pompilia": The Woman (in) Question
S Brown
Victorian Poetry 34 (1), 15-37, 1996
Semantic representations for nlp using verbnet and the generative lexicon
SW Brown, J Bonn, G Kazeminejad, A Zaenen, J Pustejovsky, M Palmer
Frontiers in artificial intelligence 5, 821697, 2022
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Articles 1–20