Dongyue Li
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Cited by
Mechanical behavior of high-entropy alloys
W Li, D Xie, D Li, Y Zhang, Y Gao, PK Liaw
Progress in Materials Science 118, 100777, 2021
High-entropy Al0. 3CoCrFeNi alloy fibers with high tensile strength and ductility at ambient and cryogenic temperatures
D Li, C Li, T Feng, Y Zhang, G Sha, JJ Lewandowski, PK Liaw, Y Zhang
Acta Materialia 123, 285-294, 2017
The ultrahigh charpy impact toughness of forged AlxCoCrFeNi high entropy alloys at room and cryogenic temperatures
D Li, Y Zhang
Intermetallics 70, 24-28, 2016
Fracture toughness and fatigue crack growth behavior of as-cast high-entropy alloys
M Seifi, D Li, Z Yong, PK Liaw, JJ Lewandowski
Jom 67, 2288-2295, 2015
The corrosion behavior and film properties of Al-containing high-entropy alloys in acidic solutions
Y Fu, C Dai, H Luo, D Li, C Du, X Li
Applied Surface Science 560, 149854, 2021
Structural damage and phase stability of Al0. 3CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy under high temperature ion irradiation
T Yang, W Guo, JD Poplawsky, D Li, L Wang, Y Li, W Hu, ML Crespillo, ...
Acta Materialia 188, 1-15, 2020
Effect of Zr on phase separation, mechanical and corrosion behavior of heterogeneous CoCrFeNiZrx high-entropy alloy
W Qi, W Wang, X Yang, L Xie, J Zhang, D Li, Y Zhang
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 109, 76-85, 2022
Compositional Design of Soft Magnetic High Entropy Alloys by Minimizing Magnetostriction Coefficient in (Fe0.3Co0.5Ni0.2)100−x(Al1/3Si2/3)x System
Y Zhang, M Zhang, D Li, T Zuo, K Zhou, MC Gao, B Sun, T Shen
Metals 9 (3), 382, 2019
Annealing effect for the Al0. 3CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy fibers
D Li, MC Gao, JA Hawk, Y Zhang
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 778, 23-29, 2019
Superior corrosion resistance-dependent laser energy density in (CoCrFeNi) 95Nb5 high entropy alloy coating fabricated by laser cladding
W Wang, W Qi, X Zhang, X Yang, L Xie, D Li, Y Xiang
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials 28 (5), 888-897, 2021
A review on combustion behavior and mechanism of Ti alloys for advanced aero-engine
L Shao, W Li, D Li, G Xie, C Zhang, C Zhang, J Huang
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 960, 170584, 2023
Cryogenic mechanical behavior of a TRIP-assisted dual-phase high-entropy alloy
D Li, Z Li, L Xie, Y Zhang, W Wang
Nano Research, 1-8, 2021
Advanced high-entropy alloys breaking the property limits of current materials
D Li, PK Liaw, L Xie, Y Zhang, W Wang
Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2024
Superelasticity of Cu–Ni–Al shape-memory fibers prepared by melt extraction technique
D Li, S Zhang, W Liao, G Geng, Y Zhang
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials 23, 928-933, 2016
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the ((CoCrFeNi)95Nb5)100−xMox High-Entropy Alloy Coating Fabricated under Different Laser Power
W Wang, Q Sun, D Wang, J Hou, W Qi, D Li, L Xie
Metals 11 (9), 1477, 2021
Temperature gradient enhances the solidification process and properties of a CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy: Atomic insights from molecular dynamics simulations
L Xie, GD Wu, PK Liaw, WR Wang, DY Li, Q Peng, J Zhang, Y Zhang
Computational Materials Science 231, 112538, 2024
Improving tensile and impact properties of Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10 high entropy alloy via microstructural engineering
D Li, C Wu, L Xie, Y Zhang, PK Liaw, W Wang
Intermetallics 170, 108314, 2024
Microstructure and mechanical properties of CoCrFeNiAl0. 5Ti0. 1 high entropy alloy rod
D Li, C Wu, PK Liaw, L Xie, Y Zhang, W Wang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 913, 147015, 2024
High-Temperature Thermal Stability of Hot Isostatic Pressed Co25.1Cr18.8Fe23.3Ni22.6Ta8.5Al1.7 (at%) Eutectic High-Entropy Alloy
D Li, C Wu, L Xie, Y Zhang, W Wang
Metals 14 (2), 204, 2024
Preparation of semi-solid 7075 aluminum alloy slurry poured through an inverted cone channel
Y Bin, M Weimin, Z Jiannan, L Dongyue
Special Casting & Nonferrous Alloys 31 (12), 1083-1086, 2011
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Articles 1–20