Mauricio Sadinle
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Cited by
A comparison of blocking methods for record linkage
RC Steorts, SL Ventura, M Sadinle, SE Fienberg
Privacy in Statistical Databases: UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy …, 2014
Least ambiguous set-valued classifiers with bounded error levels
M Sadinle, J Lei, L Wasserman
Journal of the American Statistical Association 114 (525), 223-234, 2019
A generalized Fellegi–Sunter framework for multiple record linkage with application to homicide record systems
M Sadinle, SE Fienberg
Journal of the American Statistical Association 108 (502), 385-397, 2013
Bayesian Estimation of Bipartite Matchings for Record Linkage
M Sadinle
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2016
Detecting duplicates in a homicide registry using a Bayesian partitioning approach
M Sadinle
Itemwise conditionally independent nonresponse modeling for incomplete multivariate data
M Sadinle, JP Reiter
Biometrika 104 (1), 207-220, 2017
Bayesian propagation of record linkage uncertainty into population size estimation of human rights violations
M Sadinle
Sequentially additive nonignorable missing data modelling using auxiliary marginal information
M Sadinle, JP Reiter
Biometrika 106 (4), 889-911, 2019
Approaches to multiple record linkage
M Sadinle, R Hall, SE Fienberg
Proceedings of International Statistical Institute 260, 1-20, 2011
Multifile partitioning for record linkage and duplicate detection
S Aleshin-Guendel, M Sadinle
Journal of the American Statistical Association 118 (543), 1786-1795, 2023
Transformed logit confidence intervals for small populations in single capture–recapture estimation
M Sadinle
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 38 (9), 1909-1924, 2009
Comparing methods for record linkage for public health action: matching algorithm validation study
T Avoundjian, JC Dombrowski, MR Golden, JP Hughes, BL Guthrie, ...
JMIR public health and surveillance 6 (2), e15917, 2020
Sequential identification of nonignorable missing data mechanisms
M Sadinle, JP Reiter
Statistica Sinica 28 (4), 1741-1759, 2018
Capture-recapture for casualty estimation and beyond: recent advances and research directions
D Manrique-Vallier, P Ball, M Sadinle
Statistics in the Public Interest: In Memory of Stephen E. Fienberg, 15-31, 2021
The central role of the identifying assumption in population size estimation (with discussions)
S Aleshin-Guendel, M Sadinle, J Wakefield
Biometrics, to appear, 2023
Linking the negative binomial and logarithmic series distributions via their associated series
M Sadinle
Revista Colombiana de Estadística 31 (2), 311-319, 2008
Metodología para interpolar tamaños poblacionales
M Sadinle
Documentos de CERAC 7, 2008
Revisiting identifying assumptions for population size estimation
S Aleshin-Guendel, M Sadinle, J Wakefield
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.09304, 2021
Nonparametric pattern-mixture models for inference with missing data
YC Chen, M Sadinle
arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.11085, 2019
Grupos armados y tenencia de tierras en el desplazamiento forzado interno en Colombia: una aproximación desde la población atendida por la Iglesia católica colombiana
JA Restrepo, M Sadinle
Guerra y violencias en Colombia: herramientas e interpretaciones (War and …, 2009
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Articles 1–20