Václav Janiš
Václav Janiš
Professor of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Physics, The Czech Academy of Sciences
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A new construction of thermodynamic mean-field theories of itinerant fermions: application to the Falicov-Kimball model
V Janiš
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 83 (2), 227-235, 1991
Anderson-Hubbard model in infinite dimensions
M Ulmke, V Janiš, D Vollhardt
Physical Review B 51 (16), 10411, 1995
Magnetic fluxes across black holes
J Bičák, V Janiš
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 212 (4), 899-915, 1985
Comprehensive mean field theory for the Hubbard model
V Janiš, D Vollhardt
International Journal of Modern Physics B 6 (05n06), 731-747, 1992
Coupling of quantum degrees of freedom in strongly interacting disordered electron systems
V Janis, D Vollhardt
Physical Review B 46 (24), 15712, 1992
Stability of self-consistent solutions for the Hubbard model at intermediate and strong coupling
V Janiš
Physical Review B 60 (16), 11345, 1999
Critical metal-insulator transition and divergence in a two-particle irreducible vertex in disordered and interacting electron systems
V Janiš, V Pokorný
Physical Review B 90 (4), 045143, 2014
Perturbation theory of a superconducting 0− π impurity quantum phase transition
M Žonda, V Pokorný, V Janiš, T Novotný
Scientific reports 5 (1), 8821, 2015
Effect of Coulomb Correlations on the Electronic Structure of
AB Shick, V Janiš, PM Oppeneer
Physical review letters 94 (1), 016401, 2005
Analytic impurity solver with Kondo strong-coupling asymptotics
V Janiš, P Augustinský
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (16), 165108, 2007
Parquet approach to nonlocal vertex functions and electrical conductivity of disordered electrons
V Janiš
Physical Review B 64 (11), 115115, 2001
Perturbation theory for an Anderson quantum dot asymmetrically attached to two superconducting leads
M Žonda, V Pokorný, V Janiš, T Novotný
Physical Review B 93 (2), 024523, 2016
Spin and orbital magnetic state of under pressure
AB Shick, V Janiš, V Drchal, WE Pickett
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (13), 134506, 2004
Kondo behavior in the asymmetric Anderson model: Analytic approach
V Janiš, P Augustinský
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (8), 085106, 2008
Mean-field theories for disordered electrons: Diffusion pole and Anderson localization
V Janiš, J Kolorenč
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (24), 245106, 2005
Dynamical correlations in multiorbital Hubbard models: fluctuation exchange approximations
V Drchal, V Janiš, J Kudrnovský, VS Oudovenko, X Dai, K Haule, G Kotliar
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17 (1), 61, 2004
Thermodynamically consistent description of criticality in models of correlated electrons
V Janiš, A Kauch, V Pokorný
Physical Review B 95 (4), 045108, 2017
Dynamical electron correlations in weakly interacting systems: TB-LMTO approach to metals and random alloys
V Drchal, V Janiš, J Kudrnovský
Physical Review B 60 (23), 15664, 1999
The Hubbard model at intermediate coupling: renormalization of the interaction strength
V Janis
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 10 (13), 2915, 1998
Disorder vs. interaction in the Hubbard model: Phase diagram in infinite dimensions
V Janis, M Ulmke, D Vollhardt
Europhysics Letters 24 (4), 287, 1993
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Articles 1–20