Francisco  Molina Perez
Cited by
Cited by
Digestión Anaerobia: una aproximación a la tecnología
MC Díaz, SE Espitia, F Molina Pérez
Persistencia de plaguicidas en el ambiente y su ecotoxicidad: Una revisión de los procesos de degradación natural
JFN Valderrama, JAP Baena, FJM Pérez
Gestión y ambiente 15 (3), 27-37, 2012
Implications of observed PBDE diffusion coefficients in low density polyethylene and silicone rubber
JFN Valderrama, K Baek, FJ Molina, IJ Allan
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 18 (1), 87-94, 2016
Multi-objective cascade controller for an anaerobic digester
C García-Diéguez, F Molina, E Roca
Process Biochemistry 46 (4), 900-909, 2011
Pilot-scale validation of a new sensor for on-line analysis of volatile fatty acids and alkalinity in anaerobic wastewater treatment plants
F Molina, G Ruiz-Filippi, C Garcia, JM Lema, E Roca
Environmental Engineering Science 26 (3), 641-649, 2009
Winery effluent treatment at an anaerobic hybrid USBF pilot plant under normal and abnormal operation
F Molina, G Ruiz-Filippi, C García, E Roca, JM Lema
Water science and technology 56 (2), 25-31, 2007
Selection of variables for on-line monitoring, diagnosis, and control of anaerobic digestion processes
F Molina, M Castellano, C García, E Roca, JM Lema
Water Science and Technology 60 (3), 615-622, 2009
First evidence of the Hepatitis E virus in environmental waters in Colombia
NMC Baez PA, Lopez MC, Duque-Jaramillo A, Pelaez D, Molina F
Plos one 12 (5), 1-15, 2017
Fuzzy-based control of an anaerobic reactor treating wastewaters containing ethanol and carbohydrates
C Garcia, F Molina, E Roca, JM Lema
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 46 (21), 6707-6715, 2007
A hydrogen-based variable-gain controller for anaerobic digestion processes
J Rodríguez, G Ruiz, F Molina, E Roca, JM Lema
Water Science and Technology 54 (2), 57-62, 2006
Characterization of anaerobic granular sludge developed in UASB reactors that treat ethanol, carbohydrates and hydrolyzed protein based wastewaters
F Molina, C García, E Roca, JM Lema
Water Science and Technology 57 (6), 837-842, 2008
Evaluación de la co-digestión anaerobia de lodos de aguas residuales municipales con residuos de alimentos
IC Julio Guerrero, CA Peláez Jaramillo, FJ Molina Perez
Revista ion 29 (1), 63-70, 2016
Control de Fasciola hepatica en el agua de consumo animal a través de filtración rápida y lenta
C González Morales, GA Sánchez, CC Castro Jiménez, ...
Revista EIA, 133-141, 2013
Determination of atmospheric particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using subcritical water extraction coupled with membrane microextraction
C Ramos-Contreras, E Concha-Graña, P López-Mahía, F Molina-Pérez, ...
Journal of Chromatography A 1606, 460381, 2019
Passive sampling in the study of dynamic and environmental impact of pesticides in water
JF Narváez V, CA López, FJ Molina P
Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia, 147-159, 2013
Effect of the stirring speed on the struvite formation using the centrate from a WWTP
C González-Morales, MA Camargo-Valero, FJ Molina-Pérez, ...
Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia, 42-50, 2019
Partículas suspendidas (PST) y partículas respirables (PM10) en el Valle de Aburrá, Colombia
JCS Molina, CAE Londoño, FJM Pérez
Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia, 7-16, 2004
Historical reconstruction of Small-scale gold mining activities in tropical wetland sediments in Bajo Cauca-Antioquia, Colombia
DM Agudelo-Echavarría, C Olid, F Molina-Pérez, PP Vallejo-Toro, ...
Chemosphere 254, 126733, 2020
Factores de riesgo cardiovascular en comunidades urbana y rural. Tinaquillo, Venezuela
MI Querales-Carrasquel, SA Rojas-Pacheco, E Silva, J Ochoa, ...
Revista de Salud Pública 19, 188-193, 2017
Diseño conceptual de una estación experimental de tratamiento de aguas residuales domésticas orientada a Municipios con población menor a 30.000 habitantes
JL González Manosalva, R Mejía Ruiz, F Molina Pérez
Revista Ingenierías Universidad de Medellín 11 (21), 87-100, 2012
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Articles 1–20