Patrick Lavelle
Patrick Lavelle
Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6
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Soil ecology
P Lavelle, A Spain
Springer Science & Business Media, 2002
Soil invertebrates and ecosystem services
P Lavelle, T Decaëns, M Aubert, S Barot, M Blouin, F Bureau, P Margerie, ...
European journal of soil biology 42, S3-S15, 2006
Soil function in a changing world: the role of invertebrate ecosystem engineers.
P Lavelle, D Bignell, M Lepage, V Wolters, P Roger, P Ineson, OW Heal, ...
Faunal activities and soil processes: adaptive strategies that determine ecosystem function
P Lavelle
Advances in ecological research 27, 93-132, 1997
Agricultural intensification, soil biodiversity and agroecosystem function
KE Giller, MH Beare, P Lavelle, AMN Izac, MJ Swift
Applied soil ecology 6 (1), 3-16, 1997
Interactions between Aboveground and Belowground Biodiversity in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Patterns, Mechanisms, and Feedbacks: We assess the evidence for correlation between …
DU Hooper, DE Bignell, VK Brown, L Brussard, JM Dangerfield, DH Wall, ...
Bioscience 50 (12), 1049-1061, 2000
Regulation of soil organic matter dynamics and microbial activityin the drilosphere and the role of interactionswith other edaphic functional domains
GG Brown, I Barois, P Lavelle
European journal of soil biology 36 (3-4), 177-198, 2000
Soil invertebrates as ecosystem engineers: intended and accidental effects on soil and feedback loops
P Jouquet, J Dauber, J Lagerlöf, P Lavelle, M Lepage
Applied soil ecology 32 (2), 153-164, 2006
Earthworm activities and the soil system
P Lavelle
Biology and fertility of soils 6, 237-251, 1988
A hierarchical model for decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems: application to soils of the humid tropics
P Lavelle, E Blanchart, A Martin, S Martin, A Spain
Biotropica, 130-150, 1993
The values of soil animals for conservation biology
T Decaëns, JJ Jiménez, C Gioia, GJ Measey, P Lavelle
European Journal of Soil Biology 42, S23-S38, 2006
Global soil biodiversity atlas.
A Orgiazzi, RD Bardgett, E Barrios
Diversity of soil fauna and ecosystem function
P Lavelle
Biology International 33 (3.16), 1996
Global distribution of earthworm diversity
HRP Phillips, CA Guerra, MLC Bartz, MJI Briones, G Brown, TW Crowther, ...
Science 366 (6464), 480-485, 2019
Mutualism and biodiversity in soils
P Lavelle, C Lattaud, D Trigo, I Barois
The Significance and Regulation of Soil Biodiversity: Proceedings of the …, 1995
Small-scale and large-scale effects of endogeic earthworms on soil organic matter dynamics in soils of the humid tropics
P Lavelle, A Martin
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 24 (12), 1491-1498, 1992
GISQ, a multifunctional indicator of soil quality
E Velásquez, P Lavelle, M Andrade
Soil biology and biochemistry 39 (12), 3066-3080, 2007
Soil biodiversity: functions, threats and tools for policy makers
A Turbé, A De Toni, P Benito, P Lavelle, P Lavelle, NR Camacho, ...
Influence of heavy metals on C and N mineralisation and microbial biomass in Zn-, Pb-, Cu-, and Cd-contaminated soils
J Dai, T Becquer, JH Rouiller, G Reversat, F Bernhard-Reversat, ...
Applied soil ecology 25 (2), 99-109, 2004
The relationship between soil macrofauna and tropical soil fertility.
P Lavelle, M Dangerfield, C Fragoso, V Eschenbrenner, ...
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Articles 1–20